Board of Directors

Executive Directors

Chan Kun Yuen, Chan Kwong Yuen and Chan Shu Yuen

Independent Non-Executive Directors

Lee Wai Ho and Hon Yin Wah

Procedures for Shareholders to propose a person for election as a Director

Nomination Committee

Nomination Committee

Chairman︰ Lee Wai Ho
Member︰ Chan Kun Yuen, Chan Kwong Yuen and Hon Yin Wah

The duties and responsibilities of Nomination Committee are provided in its terms of referenceTerms of Reference of the Nomination Committee

Remuneration Committee

Remuneration Committee

Member︰ Chan Kun Yuen, Chan Kwong Yuen, Lee Wai Ho and Hon Yin Wah

The duties and responsibilities of Remuneration Committee are provided in its terms of referenceTerms of Reference of the Remuneration Committee

Audit Committee

Audit Committee

Chairman︰ Hon Yin Wah
Member︰ Lee Wai Ho

The duties and responsibilities of Audit Committee are provided in its terms of referenceTerms of Reference of the Audit Committee