What’s News
  • Father’s Day Promotion

    YING KEE TEA HOUSE presents our gift set to celebrate our Father’s Day. The gifts set include:

    Special Old Pu-erh Cake & Golden Crown The Kuan Yin Set
    Discounted Price: $498 Original Price: $626
    Characteristics: Old Pu-erh: Mild in nature, rich with Teh Kuan Yin: long lasting aroma & sweet aftertaste

    Selected Yunnan Pu-erh Cake & Dragon Ball Jasmine Set 
    Discounted Price: $ 398 Original Price: $506
    Characteristics: Pu-erh: Rich & Stomach-warming with Jasmine: Refreshing, aromaric, sweet & mellow 

    Special Old Pu-erh Cake
    Discounted Price: $ 650 Original Price: $800

    Selected Yunnan Pu-erh Cake
    Discounted Price: $ 410 Original Price: $ 500

    Please contact our staff or refer to our promotion posters for more details.
    Offer valid through June 20, 2023